
What is VIP Security and Tokens?

VIP Security by Symantec is the highest level of security we offer for Internet Banking.

You must register for VIP Security if you wish to permanently increase your limits for transfers to other financial institutions, and/or BPAY payments made through Internet Banking. In order to activate VIP Security you must first register for Secure SMS.

VIP Security provides an additional layer of security to help protect you from unauthorised use of your accounts via Internet Banking.

To register for VIP Security you will need to download the VIP Access for Mobile app, which generates secure one-time codes that are used to authorise restricted transactions and protected functions in Internet Banking.

The VIP Access for Mobile app is free and can be downloaded by visiting the App Store or Google Play on your device. VIP Access may not be available for some mobile phone brands or models. After downloading VIP Access for Mobile, your mobile phone can generate a secure one-time code.

You must register your VIP Access for Mobile via Internet Banking. A VIP Access for Mobile app can be registered against more than one Credit Union SA membership.

Please note: Credit Union SA no longer issues physical VIP Security Tokens. However, if you have an existing VIP Security Token previously issued by us or someone other than us, such as an online merchant or another financial institution, you may be able to register the token for use with us, providing it is a VIP Token.

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