
Credit Union SA is committed to a high standard of integrity, ethical conduct and transparency in all of our activities and interactions, and our Whistleblower policy supports these principles.

Individuals working for Credit Union SA, or related to individuals working for Credit Union SA, may be reluctant to highlight misconduct or improper practices for fear of suffering personally as a consequence of speaking out, and this policy establishes a mechanism which individuals can use to safely raise concerns and challenge misconduct and improper practices.

Credit Union SA encourages all individuals to raise concerns so that it can identify and address wrongdoing as early as possible. If the individual feels comfortable raising concerns within the usual business environment or with their direct manager they should do so.

Alternatively, if this is not possible or the individual considers it more appropriate in the circumstances to report the matter as a Whistleblower, Credit Union SA has implemented reporting channels that an individual can use. An individual should choose an option which suits the individual’s circumstances and level of comfort.

Information regarding the protections available to an individual who submits a Whistleblower Disclosure can be found on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission website here.

Disclosures to the Whistleblower Protection Officers can be made as follows:

Reporting ChannelDescriptionContact Details
Whistleblower Protection Officer

The Whistleblower Protection Officers as appointed by the Credit Union (refer to section 2.1.1(Whistleblower Protection Officers).

When submitting a Whistleblower Disclosure in writing or by email, please ensure the subject line is marked with ‘Confidential – Whistleblower Disclosure’ or advise the Whistleblower Protection Officer this is the purpose if reporting verbally.

Christopher Ryan
Chief Risk Officer

Todd Roberts
Chief Executive Officer

Nick Anderson
Chair of the Audit Committee

Louise Small
Chair of the Governance Committee

Julie Cooper
Chair of the Board

Darren Ball
External Audit Engagement Partner

MailWhen submitting a Whistleblower Disclosure by mail, please ensure it is marked to the attention of the ‘Whistleblower Protection Officer’ and marked Confidential’.GPO Box 699
Adelaide 5001

Whistleblowing is different to employee grievances or complaints. All employee grievances or complaints are dealt with under POL_1041 Workplace Bullying and Harassment.

Read the Whistleblower policy

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Offering the same services as a bank but our highest priority is not to deliver big profits for shareholders. Credit Union SA proudly complies with the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice.

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